From 07.07.2024 to 30.09.2024, Ms Yvette Montcho (PhD student) and Dr Valère Salako (Junior researcher) stayed at the University of Freiburg
During three months, Ms Yvette Montcho (PhD student) and Dr Valère Salako (Junior researcher) stayed at the University of Freiburg at the Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics for three months, where they conducted their research visit under Prof Martin Wolkewitz’s supervision.
Moreover, in August 2024, Prof. Romain Glèlè Kakaï, the head of HRH-SEMCA, stayed in Freiburg, where he discussed with Prof. Martin Wolkewitz several aspects of the implementation of HRH-SEMCA’s work packages. Furthermore, through meetings, Ms Yvette Montcho and Dr Valère Salako have presented their ongoing studies. An in-depth discussion session with Profs. Wolkewitz and Glèlè Kakaï allowed both researchers to improve their work.